Friday, December 4, 2015

Manners Luncheon Skit

We had SO much fun today doing our Manners Luncheon Skit.  The kids did a great job showing the school the ways we should (and should not) behave.  Great Job, Kids!!!
They all looked GREAT!!!
Click on the link below to check out our video.
A special thanks to Miss Davis for creating the video!!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Harvest Party

We had a wonderful time celebrating the Harvest Season.  We sampled different apple and pumpkin foods, used marbles to paint leaves with fall colors, practiced beginning sounds by making paper candy corns - and then got to EAT candy corn, made our names with pumpkin seeds, and made applesauce.  It was a FUN afternoon!!!  Thanks to all who helped by coming in or sending items to school.  
Enjoy LOTS of pictures!!!